Planned maintenance and improvements
One of the main reasons behind Origin’s merger with Places for People was to get more investment into your homes, and as a result we are now able to invest more than in previous years.
Over the last couple of years, we have enhanced our knowledge of the condition of our residents’ homes. This improved information allows us to prioritise investment works where they’re needed most, focusing on the safety of our residents.
Building maintenance and decoration
We know it’s important for residents to understand when we plan to carry out cyclical maintenance and decorations to your buildings.
In the link below we have provided an estimated date of when we plan to repair, renew and decorate the outside and internal communal areas of your building.
We are showing the estimated dates in the following time-bands
Year 1 April 2024 to March 2025
Years 2 to 5 April 2025 to March 2029
Years 6 to 10 April 2029 to March 2034
This is an indicative programme and plans and priorities may shift depending on
The relative condition of each building
Regulatory changes that mean we need to re-prioritise work
Reactive works required to keep residents safe
Budget restrictions
You can see the time-bands for your block.
Major projects
Listed below are our major projects and the numbers of homes included in this year’s upgrade programme. Details will be shared with affected residents over the course of the programme, for example, advance notice of when the work will start, progress updates as we go through and a satisfaction survey.
Our priorities have been informed by an extensive homes condition survey over the last year, and feedback from residents and front-line staff. We now have an up-to-date survey for 78% of the homes we provide and are working to increase that percentage over time. Investment is being planned over a number of years with the immediate focus being on ensuring your homes are safe, warm and meet the decent homes standard. This year, we will:
Invest around £20M in our homes and communal spaces on everything from boiler and lift replacements to communal decorations and new windows, kitchens and bathrooms.
Be improving security at twenty of our buildings where residents have been suffering from unwanted intruders and anti-social behaviour, by installing new, more secure, main entrance doors.
An overview of our investment programme for 24/25 is shown in the tables below:
Workstream |
No. of Homes/Blocks |
Bathroom Replacement |
85 |
Kitchen Replacement |
84 |
Window Replacement |
60 |
Roof Replacement |
3 (blocks) |
Door Renewal (Communal) |
20 (blocks) |
External Cyclical Maintenance |
91 |
Internal Cyclical Maintenance |
398 |
*Our cyclical maintenance contractors are out surveying the needs of our homes and this will inform the number we can include in the programme.
Major Work Projects |
Project Overview |
Derby Lodge |
Repair/replacement of windows, roof replacement, cyclical maintenance and decorations to a large Victorian residential building in Camden |
Robert Morton House |
Wholesale replacement of the suspended ceiling and communal lighting system across all communal areas with additional fire safety works, flooring replacement and internal cyclical decorations to a high rise building in Camden. |
Pennethorne House |
Wholesale window replacement, proactive external maintenance and internal and external decorations to retirement scheme in Camden. |
Russell Mansions |
Fire safety remedial project including fire door replacement, sprinkler installation, fire compartmentation works and fire escape improvements to a Victorian high rise building in Camden. |
Lister Hospital Residential Site Refurbishment |
Year 1 of a three-year estate wide refurbishment project. Year 1 focuses on boiler replacement, roofs repair/replacement and electrical safety in Stevenage. |
Apollo Way |
Estate boundary wall replacement programme due to risk of collapse in Stevenage. |
Stephenson House |
Estate boundary retaining wall replacement due to risk of collapse in Camden. |
Unity Mews |
Estate boundary retaining wall replacement due to risk of collapse in Camden. |
Shelton Street |
Investigation and remediation of long-term major leak into homes and a large retail unit on an estate in Camden. |
Haverstock Hill |
Subsidence remediation works and cyclical decorations in heritage buildings in Camden. |
Brookmead Court |
Subsidence remediation works in Barnet. |
If you have any queries about this year’s programme, please contact the team at who will be happy to help.