Your tenancy explained
As long as you keep to the terms of your tenancy agreement, you have the right to live in your home without interruption or interference from us.
The full list and details of your rights and responsibilities can be found in your tenancy agreement.
Your tenancy agreement is a legal contract between you and us. By signing it you have agreed to meet its terms and accept the responsibilities of the agreement.
Your responsibilities as a tenant
- You will pay the rent and service charges on time
- You will not withhold rent at any time because you say necessary repairs or maintenance are needed
- You will keep the inside of the property including the furniture and fixtures in good condition
- If you cause any damage to your home and the communal areas, you will repair it at your cost
- You will keep all communal and external areas clean of any rubbish and waste
- You will keep reasonable precautions to keep the property free of pests.
- You will take reasonable steps to prevent condensation in your property
- You must not keep any animals or pets at the property without our permission
- You will not use paraffin, portable gas or liquid petroleum heaters at the property
- You will not sublet your property
- You will not allow a lodger to live at your property without permission
- You will not cause nuisance to your neighbours or staff
- You will let Origin staff and our agents onto the property at all reasonable times for the purpose of inspection and maintenance
- You will inform us of any necessary repairs
- You will not carry out any alterations to the property without permission
- You will pay your council tax and utility bills
- You will not smoke, or allow your guests to smoke, in the communal areas.
- You will make sure that the smoke and fire alarm systems are in good working condition
- You will tell us if the property will be empty for more than 30 days
- You must ensure that the property is clean before you vacate it
- Let us know if there are any issues with window restrictors or locks.