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Dudden Hill

Dudden Hill is the located in Brent. Findon Homes are developing the site to deliver 136 new homes. Origin are developing the s.106 affordable units which total 24 or 18% of the homes provided. The site is located in the London Borough of Brent and sits between Neasden and Dollis Hill underground stations.

The affordable block will be 6 stories and includes a commercial unit and nursery on the ground floor. Secure cycle storage is provided in the development.  Each affordable residential unit will have access to private balcony space direct from their dwelling.

Anticipated completion date: Winter 2022

Borough: Brent

Developer/Contractor: Findon Homes

No of units: 24

Tenure mix: 16 Affordable Rent and 8 Shared Ownership homes

Contract value: £6,305,000