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World Homelessness Day 2019: New Horizon Youth Centre's takeover of King's Cross



Ahead of World Homelessness Day on Thursday, last week we were joined by Claire, Dean and Holly from New Horizon Youth Centre to learn more about their 10 days to take on youth homelessness campaign.

World Homelessness Day 2019 collage

The New Horizon Team spoke to us about ‘one stop shop’ services they provide 16-24 year olds and broke down common misunderstandings about young people experiencing homelessness. They also shared their approach to unlocking beds for young people, which focuses on making the most of existing spaces as well as creating new spaces that they can call home.
Colleagues across Origin were encouraged to do something for young people, discuss the problems that young people face and donate to New Horizon if we could. Dean said that “the most important thing to remember is that every young homeless person has a story and was once someone who they are not currently”. Our income officer Bianca was kind enough to share her own insight to this, saying that she was inspired to work in housing thanks to her own positive experiences of using New Horizon’s services in the past.

The ‘10 days to take on youth homelessness’ campaign brings together the community of King’s Cross to make a real difference to the lives of vulnerable young people. They are working with businesses, shops and restaurants to provide workshops for young people. We are pleased to have made a contribution having raised over £164 in our raffle, and there’s more that can be done to support their campaign.

You can also join them in celebrating the close of the takeover by singing your support at a big karaoke event on World Homelessness Day (10 October) at Granary Square. Tickets are £12 each and you can get 30% off of tickets using the code TAKEOVER, with additional discount when you buy 4 or more tickets. Tickets can be bought here.

World Homelessness Day 2019

Group photo of our Chief Executive, Community Development team and resident Kirsten with the New Horizons team.