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What have we been up to this summer?



On 16 July 2022, we held our summer resident engagement event at Basil Jellicoe Hall in Somers Town, Camden. We had a great turnout on the day, with 71 residents and their children attending. We even had the sun present and in full blast. Last year, a few residents told us they would prefer the event on a weekend so more people could attend, so we listened, and we held our event on Saturday for the first time in a while. 

Our Head of Property, Christopher Wait, started the event with an update on our repairs procurement and provided a summary of what developments have been made since our repairs roadshow in the summer of 2021. Residents were then given the opportunity to ask questions directed to Christopher and Tosin Adewumi, our Community Development Manager. 

Families enjoyed food and entertainment outside, such as a bouncy castle, face painting and some freebies. They were also treated to delicious oven-baked pizza and colourful cupcakes. Residents were able to ride the smoothie bike to make a refreshing drink for themselves too!  

100% of households who responded to our event survey, said they were satisfied with the event. A few residents raised issues with us that are being followed up by the appropriate staff. All residents were contacted regarding their individual issues, and our staff are working to resolve them as quickly as possible.  

community development team

our summer residents' event

community residents event

Most recently, we held our first Stevenage pop-up event on 17 August, which turned out to be a great day. We had a total of 41 residents attend the event. Residents were then given the opportunity to speak to Origin staff, including our chief executive, Carol Carter. Gilmartin operatives were also on hand, ready to carry out any minor repairs the residents had on the day.  

Despite there being downpours of rain across the country, the sun held out for us in Stevenage. Families were able to enjoy fish and chips provided by a local food truck, a bouncy castle, face painting, and goodie bags, and we even had Carol Carter announce our raffle prize winners!  

We also had a 100% satisfaction response from the residents who attended the event. Again, we will work with the residents who raised any issues on the day, and this will be followed up by the appropriate staff. 

Did you miss these events? Don't worry - we will be holding a winter event in late November 2022 at Basil Jellicoe Hall. Please watch out for more information closer to the time.

 residents event

residents event in Stevenage

The Community Development Team