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Update on our grounds maintenance contract



To help us award a new contract for the company that looks after gardens and open spaces around our blocks we asked you give us your views through a survey to help us understand:

  • how you think John O’Conner, the company that does this work now is doing.
  • which of the things that they do are most important.
  • if you want to pay more for more of this type of work.

We heard from 115 people and most of you feel generaly happy with how John O’Conner are doing. You felt that the most important things they do where you live are cutting the grass, looking after paths and trimming hedges.

Almost all of you felt that you don’t want to pay more for extra services.

We shared your views with Jon Kirk, our Estate Services Manager who is leading on the new contract who said The responses to the survey have helped me to put what matters to residents at the heart of this work and will help us to deliver the best service possible for residents and the communities they live in.’
We'd like to thank the 115 residents that responded and congratulate the four winners of our prize draw who each won themselves a £25 gift voucher. 

One resident told us: 'Completing the survey was quite easy and it's good to be asked our opinion. Keep me informed of opportunities to stay involved and although I can't leave the house, I could speak to people or work online to get more feedback.' If you would like to get involved in our projects please get in touch