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Storm Eunice



The Met Office has issued a Red weather warning for London effective between 10am-3pm on Friday, 18 February 2022. This is due to Storm Eunice which is likely to cause significant disruption and dangerous conditions due to extremely strong winds. 

An Amber weather warning is in place on either side of this time, from 5am-9pm on Friday,18 February 2022. 

The Met Office has warned that possible impacts of the storm could include flying debris resulting in danger to life, damage to buildings and homes, with roofs blown off and power lines brought down, roads, bridges and railway lines closed, with delays and cancellations, and power cuts affecting other services, such as mobile phone coverage.

The Met Office is asking residents to stay at home on Friday for your safety.

We are reviewing our repairs service hourly and unless contacted by Gilmartins we still expect your repair to go ahead. 

Key safety advice from the Met Office

  • Stay indoors as much as possible. 
  • If you do go out, try not to walk or shelter close to buildings and trees. 
  • Keep away from the sheltered side of boundary walls and fences - if these structures fail, they will collapse on this side. 
  • Do not go outside to repair damage while the storm is in progress. 
  • If possible, enter and leave your house through doors in the sheltered side, closing them behind you. 
  • Open internal doors only as needed, and close them behind you. 
  • Do not drive unless your journey is really necessary.

For the latest weather information and advice

  • Check the latest Met Office UK weather warnings
  • Check the latest Met Office safety advice
  • Follow @metoffice on Twitter 
  • For widespread power cuts, UK  Power networks may be able to update you by text if the service is available for your area. You can check by texting POWER and your postcode to 80876. (For example POWER NW1 1BS)