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Resident Voice Index Survey



The Resident Voice Index™ has just launched its latest survey, titled ‘Cost of Living: Crunch time’and we would love you to take part.The project seeks to collect information from social housing residents, like you, on what could be done to improve their homes, communities, well-being and prospects.  

The last survey, which took place earlier this year received the input of almost 5,200+ UK social housing residents. The full report and other content, such as Index Insights and Podcasts are available on the Resident Voice Index™ website.      

Have your say in the fourth survey   
We are pleased to extend our support to this project by inviting you to take part in the research. The latest survey; Cost of Living: Crunch Time asks questions about this worsening situation, its impacts on you and what you think could be done to support residents in their communities. 

More than ever before, it is vital that your views are put in front of those that have the power to make change happen. This national research project endeavours to do just that and work with policy makers, housing providers, service providers and residents to make positive change happen. 

It’s completely anonymous and will never be traced back to you. If you could find around 5 minutes to complete this survey, we would be very grateful. 


You can find out more about the Resident Voice Index™ here.


If you are experiencing financial difficulties or are worried at all – please get in touch with one of our financial support officers, who can also support you to:

  • get all of the benefits that you are entitled to 
  • help you manage your rent and other bills
  • budget your money
  • access better deals
  • review your debt options

This service is completely free. 

You can also find lots of free debt advice services by using the Money Advice Service where to get free debt advice tool.