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Places for People merger approved - resident update



Following a recommendation from Origin’s Board, taking into account feedback from residents in the consultation period, our shareholders (who are primarily Board members and residents) voted at a Special General Meeting on 8 February in favour of the proposed merger with Places for People. 

This means that we will now become a subsidiary of Places for People from Spring 2024. We will publish the exact date on our website and through our monthly email newsletter in the coming weeks. 

What are the benefits for you?

  • An additional £100m of investment in your homes over the first 10 years after merger.
  • Improved local services - underpinned by the improved ability to recruit, retain and develop skilled staff at every level and lean on support from the wider Places for People group
  • Strengthened local accountability to you through improved support for effective resident involvement in day-to-day services and with your voice heard clearly at Board level
  • You will retain the security of tenure and rent controls currently enjoyed
  • All services like repairs reporting, paying rent and service charges or raising issues with your neighbourhood manager will continue to be delivered by existing staff from their current offices.
  • Support services will continue and there will be access to a wider range of services. 

What about Origin staff? 

•    There will be no change for Origin employees. The senior team will remain in place and, with the support of the Places for People group (and the Origin Board while we remain a subsidiary) we will continue to have oversight of our finances and governance. After 12 months we will become the London region of Places for People and start to align our ways of working with the wider group over subsequent years. All Origin employees are protected from compulsory redundancy for two years.

How will services be delivered? 

•    All services like repairs reporting, paying rent and service charges or raising issues with our customer services team or neighbourhood manager will continue to be delivered by existing staff from existing offices, and there will be opportunities to advance the creation of community hubs in the longer term.

What about my tenancy agreement?

•    There will be no change to the terms of your tenancy or lease because of the partnership. 

•    You will continue to pay your rent and service charges to Origin until we transfer fully into the Places for People group 12 months from merger. We will notify you again when this is due to happen. 

Will my rent and service charges increase?

•    Your rents will remain at their current levels and will be reviewed once a year in line with government regulations, or as set out in your tenancy or lease agreement. Social and Affordable rents are protected by the Regulator of Social Housing, meaning the same rules over how rents are set and increased apply to both Origin and Places for People as both are Registered Providers of Social Housing (better known as housing associations).

•    Service charges will still be reviewed on a yearly basis as well. Your service charge will continue to cover the direct cost of services we provide to your block and/or estate. You will continue to receive an annual breakdown of these costs as you do now (with your rent letter). Leaseholders on variable service charges will also continue to receive an annual reconciliation statement.

Do I need to change my direct debit? 

•    No, you will continue paying Origin as you are already doing until we advise you otherwise. 

What happens next?

We will now go through the legal process to become a subsidiary of Places for People.

When we know an exact date, we will let you know about launch plans on our website and through our monthly email newsletter.  

If you have further questions in the meantime, please contact us by email: communications@originhousing.org.uk or by calling 0300 323 0325.