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Our 'Getting to know you' survey



We are working on an Equality, Diversity and Inclusion census.That means we are asking you to complete a survey that will tell us a little more about you – such as your ethnicity, gender or whether you have a disability. This information will not be shared with anyone else; it is completely private and you can change it at any time.

Why are we asking?

We want to make sure that we offer you services that are right for you. Understanding who our residents are and your needs is important to us. We want to make sure that it is easy for you to get what you need from us for example a repair, help with cost of living, or asking for help.

Improving the quality, quantity and consistency of the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) data we hold is an important part of both our EDI strategy and action plan, which will strengthen our commitment to being an inclusive employer and landlord.

By improving the data, we will be able to carry out a better analysis of demand on our services, carry out enhanced consultation, and identify what services, processes or adjustments we may need to put in place to strengthen and deliver services more effectively in respect of EDI, for the communities we serve.

Some immediate uses of the improved data include:

  • Analysis of complaints themes and trends by diversity strand to identify over and underrepresented groups of customers.
  • Customer satisfaction reporting by diversity strand 
  • Strengthen the diversity make up of Spotlight to reflect our broader customer demographics.
  • Using the data to carry out impact analysis for new services, policies and procedures. At present, it is unknown whether 55% of our customers have a disability and the religion of 45% of customers is unknown

What will you be asking?

You do not have to answer all the questions, you can select 'Prefer not to say', but it would be really helpful if you could. We'll asking you questions like:

  • What is your title?
  • What is your marital status?
  • What is your sexual orientation?
  • Do you have a disability? 

All questions have a drop-down list for you to choose from, and the categories are based on Government best practice.

Sharing your data:

This information will not be shared with anyone else; it is completely private and you can change it at any time. You can read more in our Privacy Policy. 

We will keep the data for seven years after the tenancy/lease/relationship with Origin has ended. At this point, the data will be deleted in line with our usual data retention processes.

What’s in it for you?

The benefits of processing this data include:

  1. A better understanding of who are residents our and how we best deliver services to them.
  2. The delivery of services, strategies and policies that are based on resident data and clearly reflect the needs and preferences of the diverse communities we serve. 
  3. The ability to identify and reduce any barriers to service access or delivery
  4. A clear demonstration to our residents and colleagues that EDI is important to the organisation.
  5. The ability to carry out more effective consultation with different groups of residents that may have additional or specific needs that may otherwise not be identified.

When do you need to complete by?

We will let you know on the email that we send out to you.  The form asks about you specifically rather than your household members. If you are a joint tenant, we will be contacting the other person directly. This may not happen at the same time as you.

What happens next?

Once you have filled in the survey, the information will be updated on your record.