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Origin Housing staff volunteer in the local community



There isn’t much Origin’s Housing Services team didn’t cover on their annual away day, from clearing rubbish in a park and planting a nursery garden to recording a Christmas hit and cleaning up at a farm and lots in between

It was all hands on deck at Castlehaven Community Centre, with our volunteers clearing the park of litter and tidying up ‘in record time’ before paths were edged and the nursery was treated to some new plants. An overgrown area was even pick axed and hundreds of kilos of earth moved to provide better access to the centre in future.

Inside the community centre our singing group was energetic and focussed, with the team successfully channelling their inner Mariah Carey’s and Bob Dylan’s to re-create a Christmas hit amidst lots of smiles and laughter. The aim of the recording is to start raising money to make sure the young residents of our Gough Street scheme have presents this Christmas. Gough Street is a scheme for young care leavers, whose residents might not receive much at Christmas.

At Kentish Town City Farm, amongst the chickens, goats and cow the Origin team worked together to muck out the animal enclosures, rake and clear the horse arena and help out in other areas. As well as helping keep the farm clean, the work will also help generate revenue with bags of manure being sold to help with the running costs. Everyone got well and truly stuck in to their tasks to the gratitude of the staff there: “it’s a massive help to have everyone here – you’re all welcome back any time.”

A big thank you to everyone involved in the day.