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It’s official – we’re a London Healthy Workplace



The Healthy Workplace Charter, backed by the Mayor of London, is a framework that supports and recognises organisations that invest in the well-being and health of their employees. We’ve recently been given the London Healthy Workplace Charter award because we met their standards – hooray!

The charter is pleased with what we’ve done so far to make sure we pay attention to and support our employees’ health and well-being.

Things we’re doing so far to support our people

  • We’re developing a Health and wellbeing policy
  • We’ve got a health and wellbeing newsletter and a noticeboard to communicate relevant matters to everyone
  • There’s a budget for activities and events
  • All teams receive monthly bite-size health and safety training
  • Mental health awareness training is available to everyone and we also have trained mental health first-aiders
  • We’ve signed up to the Time to Talk pledge
  • We offer a range of free and subsidised activities for staff
  • We run a ‘Pot Luck Lunch’ in the office every so often for whoever wants to join

We’ve also taken on board their recommendations for things we can do to further support the health and wellbeing of all our employees. We know that there are many things that can affect how our people are feeling and that if our people are struggling, they’re not able to do their best at work.

Given that from 2014 to 2015 9.9 million days of work were missed by employees experiencing work-related stress, depression or anxiety, and that almost one in six people of working age have a diagnosable mental health condition,(1) we think it’s really important that we do everything we can to provide the necessary support to let our people thrive!

We’re really pleased that over 170 other organisations have committed, like us, to the London Healthy Workplace Charter which aims to turn London into a better city for all to work in, and we encourage other organisations to apply to the framework too!

(1) http://www.theworkfoundation.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/Health_and_work_infographics.pdf