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Investing in your homes



We carry out condition surveys on our homes to show us when we need to carry out improvement works, based on the age of the building or the building component (e.g. the roof, kitchen, bathroom, window and doors).
Last year we surveyed 43% of homes taking our total to 71%, and aim to achieve 80% this year. The data gathered from the surveys is used to plan for repairs and future investment programmes.    

Following the merger with Places for People in April, we are already starting to see the benefits. As a result we have been able to increase the planned investment in residents homes by £11.6m this year, bringing the total commitment for the year to £20m excluding fire safety work (for which another £7.5m has been budgeted).
Some major projects are already underway and we will contact all other residents where we will be carrying out planned work once we have contractors on board.  Over the summer we will advise you what will happen, how and when.  In the last 12-18 months we have been updating our information on the condition of residents homes, and when we have been able to fully analyse the results later this year, we will start to develop a longer term programme.
We are working with Places for People to put contracts into place to deliver the work we have identified through the surveys. By working with PfP we are able get better value for money and improve quality as we have more buying power.

Once we have the contracts in place, we will be in touch to let you know if we are going to be upgrading you home or where you live.