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Cost of living payments from the Government



There are three different cost of living payments:

  • The main cost of living payment, worth £650 in total, is for those on income-related benefits and tax credits.

  • The pensioner payment, worth £300, is for everyone who receives the winter fuel payment.

  • The disability payment, worth £150, is for those on non-means-tested disability benefits.

It is the first of these that will start to be paid in July. The disability cost of living payment will be paid in September, and the pensioner payment will come in November.

The £650 is being paid in two instalments – the first is £326 and the second £324. The money will be paid into the same account that your benefits are paid into.

It should be paid automatically to everyone who qualifies.

To qualify you need to be receiving one of the following benefits:

  • Universal credit.

  • Income-based jobseeker’s allowance (JSA).

  • Income-related employment and support allowance (Esa).

  • Income support.

  • Pension credit.

  • Child tax credit.

  • Working tax credit.

If you receive new-style employment and support allowance, contributory employment and support allowance or new-style jobseeker’s allowance but do not get universal credit, you will not qualify. If you receive housing benefits, but none of the qualifying benefits, you will not get the payment either.

You can also get in touch with our Financial Support Team if you need any financial advice or support. The team can talk you through your options and offer you information to help you manage your money.

We can also support you to:

  • get all of the benefits that you are entitled to 
  • help you manage your rent and other bills
  • budget your money
  • access better deals
  • review your debt options

This service is completely free. 

Get in touch with the team.