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BBQ safety tips for the Summer months



We've put together some useful tips from the London Fire Brigade to help keep you safe if you choose to have a BBQ during the warmer weather.

  • Never use a BBQ indoors or on a balcony
  • Position your BBQ on level ground and keep it well away from anything that could catch fire (sheds, fences, trees etc.)
  • Never leave a BBQ unattended
  • Use approved BBQ starter fuel or firelighters. Never use petrol, paraffin or biofuel to light or revive it, ever!
  • Be careful with fatty foods and avoid using oils when cooking
  • Keep children, pets and garden games away from the BBQ
  • Have a bucket of water or sand nearby for use in an emergency
  • After cooking make sure the BBQ is cool before moving it
  • Empty COLD ashes onto bare garden soil, not into dustbins or wheelie bins where an ember might start a fire
  • Don't drink too much alcohol when using the BBQ
  • Only use a BBQ in outdoor public spaces - only use them in suitable and safe areas and follow guidance on their use.

BBQ's should not be used on balconies under any circumstances. A number of recent fires in and around London have been caused by:

  • Falling embers burning items on the ground below
  • BBQ’s being close to other flammable objects
  • Disposable barbecues being left unattended after use
  • The risks are increased by the fact that wind speeds are stronger at a greater height.
  • The position of a BBQ on a balcony and/or the layout of balconies can also affect ease of escape for building occupants.

For more information please visit BBQ Safety | London Fire Brigade (london-fire.gov.uk)