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An update on our parking review



The Scrutiny group has reviewed our Parking Policy and have suggested their recommendations for improvements. From these recommendations, we have stopped parking charges for the bays and are currently working with the Scrutiny group to finalise the new Parking Policy and Procedures.
We are now working together on creating the parking consultation to find out whether you are happy to keep your current parking management, you would like a different service, or you do not require any parking enforcement or assistance at all. There is a short delay in starting the consultations, this is so that the Parking Scrutiny group can ensure that the consultations are run with your best interests in mind. We will let you know when the parking consultation will start. It will likely be by late March.

We will use a variety of communication methods for the consultation. Contact me if you would also like to hold a meeting with neighbours to discuss your options for parking arrangements, as this can be arranged.

Thank you to those of you who have contacted me for more information about the stopping of parking bay charges and how to apply for a refund. 

What has changed?
Following a recent review of our Parking Policy we have stopped charges for parking bays. All
charges have been stopped from 1 April 2021 and residents parking bay accounts have been adjusted. 
How do I apply for a refund?
If you rent a parking bay from us you can apply for a refund by completing a form online at www.originhousing.org.uk/residents/rent-and-payments. The refund will be credited to your bank account and we try to do this within 28 working days of us receiving the signed refund form. As we are working through all the refunds some are taking a little longer. If you require a hard copy of the form to complete, please contact me and this can be arranged.

We have cancelled all parking direct debits but if you pay by Standing Order you will need to contact your bank to get this cancelled.  
Will I still be able to keep my allocated bay?
Yes, you will keep your allocated bay/s but no longer pay a weekly charge. The only change currently is that you will no longer be charged for your bay. Please continue to display your permit clearly to ensure you do not receive a parking ticket. Parking enforcement will still be active in your area. Parking enforcement will only stop when the consultation results show it’s no longer required. If your permit has expired, contact us on 0300 323 0325 to order a new permit for a small one-off cost.

Why have you stopped charges for parking bays?
Following a parking complaint from one of our sites, a Scrutiny Review was undertaken of our Parking Policy. This resulted in a report of recommendations for improvements. From this, we have agreed to stop the previous structure of charges for parking bays. You will still need your permit as usual and you would only need to renew your permit if this expires for a small one-off charge. If consultations result in the removal of the parking permit scheme, we will not be able to refund this once the permit is purchased and used as we get charged from the parking company for the permit cost and we are unable to retrieve a refund from them unfortunately.

Why have the previous charges been stopped from 1 April 2021?
This was when the Scrutiny group's recommendations were submitted and agreed by our Customer Services Committee. 

I have received a parking ticket; do I still need to pay for this?
If parking patrols currently operate in your area and you receive a parking ticket, you can either appeal the ticket or pay it. If you wish to appeal it, we may be able to help you with this depending on the nature of the appeal, please contact your Neighbourhood Manager. Do continue to clearly display your permit, to ensure you're not ticketed.

Can we just park anywhere now?
Existing parking arrangements remain in place and will only change after the consultation results outline what is required. Parking arrangements differ from site to site. Please check your lease or tenancy agreement or contact your Neighbourhood Manager if you are unsure about your own current parking arrangements.

Do we still need to display our permit?
Yes, until the consultation results for your area dictate otherwise, please continue to clearly show your permit to ensure you do not receive any parking tickets.

I would like to start parking on my street, but I need a permit. How do I get one?  
If you live in an area where there is a parking permit scheme in operation, contact your Neighbourhood Manager who will be able to advise the cost of a permit and how to apply for one. If consultations result in the removal of the parking permit scheme, we will not be able to refund this once the permit is purchased and used as we get charged from the parking company for the permit cost and we are unable to retrieve a refund from them unfortunately.

How do I apply for a bay or check where I am on the waiting list?
Please get in touch with your Neighbourhood Manager who will be able to provide further information as parking allocation is different from site to site.

Can I apply for a refund over the phone?
Unfortunately, due to GDPR we are unable to do this over the phone, please use the online form.
If you have any questions please let me know at 020 7209 9313 or email me at cherish.hill@originhousing.org.uk