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A new 'garden in the sky' will link Camden Town to Kings Cross



We're excited to find out there will be a new 'garden in the sky' that will transform a section of disused railway between Camden Town and Kings Cross into an elevated urban garden. Great news for our residents in the area and any visitors to Camden! The project is similar to the Highline in New York and was the idea of a community initiative following a public engagement process where local people asked for more green spaces to connect communities in the area.

You can find out more in the press release below or on the Camden Highline website.

'Planning approval has been granted for the first section of the Camden Highline, running from Camden Gardens to Royal College Street. It will see the transformation of a section of disused railway into a new elevated urban park for London. The project is now set to offer much-needed green space to underserved communities, while creating a new global attraction for London, akin to New York’s High Line.

In total, the Camden Highline will run for 1.2km, connecting the existing visitor appeal of Camden Town with the emerging destination and transport links of King’s Cross, and helping to knit together neighbourhoods around them. The elevated public walkway is forecast to bring new local green space for 20,000 people, along with health and wellbeing benefits worth £10.9m over the project’s lifetime.

The community initiative, which started out as a crowdfunding campaign, is the culmination of public engagement that has taken place over the last four years, with lead architects - and designers of the New York High Line - James Corner Field Operations, local architecture practice vPPR, the Camden Highline team, and community engagement specialists Street Space.'

Website: Planning Press Release — Camden Highline.

Camden Highline images