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The Support Hub - New Service



Over the last nine months our Care and Support team have been developing a new pilot to deliver a service for our residents who may be experiencing issues with their mental health or hoarding. We’re calling it ‘The Support Hub.’

During the pilot we will get in touch with our vulnerable residents, (including visits,) to understand more about their individual needs and where these aren’t being met. We will work with them to ensure the right support is in place to prevent crisis/breakdown and help ease social isolation.

From the outset, The Support Hub has been designed to be proactive and not just reactive, with a clear emphasis on prevention.

The service is for residents that need additional support, this could be support from our Hub staff directly or being referred to external services delivered by the Local Authority, NHS or a relevant Charity.  

The Support Hub offers a range of support, from emergency support (a resident in crisis) to a series of regular check-in calls.