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Somers Town: the Housing Story



14 September from 12pm
People's Museum, 52 Chalton St NW1 1ES to St Mary's Church, NW1 1BN

SAVE SOMERS TOWN - Can you help? 

Somers Town: The History Story will begin with an immersive theatrical guided walk around Somers Town exploring social housing and the St Pancras House Improvement Society. The walk will end at St Mary's Church, Eversholt St (NW1 1BN) for a workshop exploring how we can make history-informed decisions for the future of Somers Town. Topics will include housing issues, and making Somers Town a conservation area.

A community meal will be provided at the workshop.
The walk will begin at People's Museum Somers Town, 52 Phoenix Road, NW1 1ES for the theatrical guided walk.

The workshop will take place at St Mary's Church, Eversholt St, NW1 1BN.