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Security where you live



Your feedback tells us that the security of where you live is really important to you.
You have told us that ASB from intruders linked to street homelessness and drugs is of concern and you want repairs to main entrance doors/gates and barriers done quicker . We understand your concerns and have been taking steps to act on this, including;

  • Meeting with the Police at a local level and strategic borough level to raise issues on behalf of residents - for example in Harrow, Enfield, Camden.
  • Working with agencies that support the street homeless and provide outreach services so that individuals can get support and housing
  • Strengthening or upgrading our door entry systems and doors /gates where needed to reduce vandalism 

These actions will continue into this year. In addition we’re improving our oversight and monitoring of repairs to door entry systems and barrier gates so that repairs are completed in  time and that we communicate with residents if there are delays to parts which mean a longer time to repair. 
You can help us by reporting criminal incidents to the Police by calling 999 in an emergency and 111 in a non-emergency. Let us know too by emailing enquiries@originhousing.org.uk or calling us on 0300 323 0325. 
If you see someone sleeping rough, please alert outreach services by reporting their location at www.streetlink.org.uk 
Faults with communal doors or barriers/gates should be reported to repairs@originhousing.org.uk  -  if the security of your block is compromised and its an emergency repair please call us on 0300 323 0325.