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A history of Origin in Enfield



Chief Exec Adrian Norridge Adrian who recommended expanding into Enfield in 1987. There had been a surge in homelessness and the council didn’t have enough funds so welcomed privately funded housing association developments in the area.

After developing homes in Enfield, on 1 October 2014, Origin Housing merged with Lee Housing Association and renamed the new service Enfield Single Housing, or ESH for short.

  • Since December 2017 we’ve been providing three hours of support to our residents at Ferguson House on Brimsdowne Avenue.
  • We ran Old Church Court (a service for 18 people with learning disabilities) for 10 years
  • We offer a floating support service for our tenants with additional needs, so people can live independent lives
  • As well as helping people through our Support Hub, providing additional support to help tenants sustain their tenancy, to ensure tenants are getting the help they need from Adult social care services, NHS trust and others and from us as their landlord, supporting them to prevent eviction, social isolation and a lot more.

See what one of our residents has to say about her experience with the service here: