Neighbourhood Explorer

What is Neighbourhood Explorer?
Neighbourhood Explorers is one of our Resident and Community Initiatives, where colleagues from across the organisation volunteer to spend an afternoon visiting one of our communities, door knocking and completing satisfaction surveys with residents about their local area , services and finding out what they would like us to do to improve their homes and community. The Neighbourhood Explorers visit to take place quarterly and are organised by the Resident and Community Engagement Team with support from the Neighbourhood Team who assist in identifying neighbourhoods to visit, logistics and follow-ups. We have staff from our Repairs Contractor(Gilmartins) on-site on the day to deal with any quick-win repairs.
If residents are not at home during a Neighbourhood Explorers visit, we leave cards, with links and QR codes to a satisfaction survey, and also include a stamped addressed envelope with a paper copy of the survey for residents who prefer to complete it manually, this gives them an opportunity to feedback to us, give their views and ensures that their voices are being heard.
The feedback we receive from residents is fed back to the relevant teams so that we continue to improve our services. If there are any individual issues that need to be actioned, these are sent to the appropriate departments and residents will be updated separately.
We inform residents of the date we’ll be visiting in advance using posters and emails and send out newsletters within 4-6 weeks of the neighbourhood explorer visit taking place giving updates to residents. Neighbourhood Explorers is a great way for colleagues who are less customer-facing to meet our residents.
Where have our neighbourhood Explorers been in 2023-2024
Byrett Road, Annette Road, Pandian Way & Anguilla House - 29 March 2023
Golding Close, Plowman Close, & Whitehead Close – 5 July 2023
Athlone House, Pentland House, Athlone Street, Leonard Day House & Prestley House – 20 September 2023
Blakeney Road – 31 January 2024
Our next neighbourhood explorer will be on:
27 March 2024 - Holborn