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Where to go for help

There are a number of specialist support organisations that offer free, confidential advice and help to people domestic violence and abuse:

Domestic Violence Helpline
Free 24-hour national helpline run by Women’s Aid and Refuge
P: 0808 2000 247
W: www.womensaid.org.uk

National services
24-hour National Domestic Violence Helpline: For people experiencing domestic abuse, or their family, friends, colleagues and others calling on their behalf.
P: 0808 2000 247
W: www. nationaldomesticviolencehelpline.org.uk
Victim Support
Support and advice for victims of crime, including people experiencing domestic abuse. You can use the Victim Support line if you require an interpreter.
P: 0845 303 0900
W: www.victimsupport.org.uk

Male victims
Men’s Advice Line: A confidential helpline for men experiencing domestic abuse by a current or ex-partner. Caters for all men, whether in heterosexual or same sex relationships.
P: 0808 801 0327
W: www.mensadviceline.org.uk

LGBT+ victims
Galop: UK’s only specialist LGBT+ antiviolence charity. The provide advice, support and advocacy to people who have experienced hate crime, domestic abuse and sexual violence.
P: 0300 999 5428
W: www.galop.org.uk

Forced Marriage
Karma Nirvana: Supports victims and survivors of forced marriage and ‘honour’-based abuse.
P: 0800 599 9247
W: www.karmanirvana.org.uk

 BME victims
Southall Black Sisters: Primarily for Asian, African and African Caribbean women. Provides advice and information on domestic abuse, racial harassment, welfare and immigration.
P: 020 8571 9595
W: www.southallblacksisters.org.uk
Victims with a disability
Stay Safe East: supports D/deaf and disabled people experiencing domestic abuse and hate crime (London only).
P: 0208 519 7241 SMS/Text: 0758 7134 122
W: www.staysafe-east.org.uk/

Victims with a learning disability
Respond: Support for people with learning disabilities and/or autism who have experienced trauma and abuse P: 020 7383 0700 W: www.respond.org.uk/ E: admin@respond.org.uk

For children
ChildLine: Information and advice for children and young people affected by domestic abuse
P: 0800 11 11
W: www.childline.org.uk

For refugees
Provides accommodation and specialist support.
P: 0808 2000 247 24-hour National Domestic Violence Helpline.
W: www.refuge.org.uk

Jewish Women’s Aid
National freephone helpline and services for Jewish women.
P: 0808 801 0500 (Mon – Thurs 9.30am-9.30pm)
W: www.jwa.org.uk

Friends, Families and Travellers
 Specific guidance available to download to support gypsies and travellers living with domestic violence.
P: 01273 234 777 (Mon – Fri 10am-4.30pm)
W: www.gypsy-traveller.org
The Sharan Project
Lead charity supporting South Asian women in the UK experiencing domestic abuse.
P: 0844 504 3231
W: www.sharan.org.uk

For perpetrators
Respect Phone Line: A confidential helpline for people who are concerned about their own behaviour. Offers information and advice to support perpetrators to stop their abuse.
P: 0808 802 4040
W: www.respectphoneline.org.uk