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How are we doing?

Our quarterly performance update

We measure ourselves against a number of key performance indicators, which we update every quarter to see where we are doing well and where we need to improve.

We set our targets by comparing our performance with the best performing housing associations.

Quarter 4, 2022-23 

Satisfaction with:

Origin as a landlord:  

  • Low-Cost Rental Accommodation (LCRA): 58.6% (down from 63.9% in the previous quarter) - our target for 2022/23 was 77%
  • Low-Cost Home Ownership (LCHO): 36.7% (up slightly from 36% in the previous quarter) - our target for 2022/23 was 60%

Our year end position on satisfaction was better than the quarter position with LCRA satisfaction 63.1% at the  end of March  (compared to 67.5% March 2022) and LCHO satisfaction at 42% (compared to 43% March 2022). Through ‘Housemark’ we compare our performance with other similar sized housing associations in London - the median satisfaction in this benchmark group was 60.6% in March - our year end performance is slightly better than this.
The wider economic climate /cost of living pressures, media focus on social housing and campaigns on damp and mould do influence perceptions of overall service. Housemark have reported a worsening trend in satisfaction results over the last 12 months- with rates typically down by 8-10% compared to pre-2020.
Whilst we would have preferred to see improving satisfaction, our position against this context is stable and the day-to-day work that every team does across Origin shapes and influences what our residents think. Our priorities are to focus on delivering the basics by reliably doing what we say we will, personalisation, demonstrating customer empathy and making it as easy as possible for residents to work with us.

Complaint handling: 31.8% based on 22 survey responses (down from 42.9% in the previous quarter) – our target for 2022/23 was 55%.

Whilst mindful of the low response rate to this survey, we recognise there is more to do . We continue to focus on investing in the skills and training of our Customer Relations Team so that when things do go wrong that we act quickly and comprehensively to put things right. In this period, we resolved more complaints at stage 1 of our process and 98.9% of responses at stage 1 were sent within target. We identify learning points from complaints so that we can improve our processes and the customer experience. 

Quality of your home: 68.29% (down from 72.22% in the previous quarter) – our target for 2022/23 was 75%

We work with our contractors to make sure repairs meet the right standard and wherever possible are completed right first time in order to improve the overall quality of our homes. We have strengthened our management of damp and mould and take all reports seriously with additional resources for inspection and aftercare. We are continuing to refresh our stock condition data to inform our planned investment programme.

Repairs and maintenance:

90% of residents are satisfied with their last repair (up from 87.7% in the previous quarter). Our target for 2022/23 was 90%.

This measures transactional satisfaction with Gilmartins our main day-to-day contractor and we are pleased to see a continued strong performance.

83.49% of repairs were completed ‘right first time’ (down from 87.43% in the previous quarter). Our target for 2022/23 was 90%.

Whilst performance was short of our stretch target of 90% performance was closer to the contractual target of 85%. Customer satisfaction remained unaffected.  We discuss performance each month with Gilmartins and identify areas for improvement.    

​98.63% of appointments made and kept (up slightly from 98.54% in the previous quarter). Our target for 2022/23 was 95%.

Performance in this area is strong and above target.  

100% of people satisfied with our aids and adaptations services (100% in the previous quarter). Our target for 2022/23 was 97%.

We are delighted with the continued high quality of this service. 

Lettings and estate management:

Our average time taken to re-let an empty home is 22 days (down from 55.8 In the previous quarter). Our target for 2022/23 was 35.

We are pleased to see improving performance in this period which was better than target.

Current rent arrears for all rented homes is at 5.3% (improved from 5.53% at the end of the previous quarter). Our target for 2022/23 was 4.74%.

The cost-of-living crisis and economic pressures have affected residents. We continue to focus on tenancy sustainment through our financial inclusion work and in October 2022 introduced a Hardship Fund to further support those in need.

Current rent arrears for shared owners is at 3.52% (Slight drop from 3.4% at the end of the previous quarter). Our target for 2022/23 was 1.7%.

Shared owners have been affected by economic pressures and the cost-of-living crisis.  Our income team and specialist financial support officers offer tailored support to all residents.

Current rent arrears for our retirement residents is at 2.69% (slight drop from 2.53% at the end of the previous quarter). Our target for 2022/23 was 1.5%.

The cost-of-living crisis and economic pressures have affected all residents. We continue to focus on tenancy sustainment through our financial inclusion work and in October 2022 introduced a Hardship Fund to further support those in need.


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